Two things really. Firstly I contacted someone via their blog and
secondly participate in an on-line swop.
I found this blog
It is an exhibition to highlight 'the influences of internet access on
todays fibre artists'.
I'm not a huge fan of modern technology but where would we be
without it. Five years ago if you had said to me that I would have
my own blog and use the internet to keep in touch with some people,
I'm afraid I would have laughed and said never! How things change.
The internet influences most of us, from buying and selling, research
and information and I think one of the most important - finding
directions to exhibitions, shops and shows (textiles, of course!)
I sent this ATC to Susan, the lady who is organising this exhibition
and swop.
fun to know you're doing this with others from all over the world.
The blog explains how you get to swop. You can swop postcards
as well as ATC's. Have a go, it's worth it. I met someone new and I
have a new piece of artwork.