A few years ago it was the 25th birthday of a local textile
group. They issued a challenge to produce a piece to
celebrate the occasion. If I remember correctly there was
a size limit, can't remember what it was. I racked my
brains and eventually came up with the idea of a charm
bracelet using inchies. It became a charm cuff.
vylene and machine embroidered to secure. For the
date side I marked out a grid on black fabric and
machine embroidered the dates, one in each square.
I machined the 2 sides together with 2 lines of stitching
then cut them up between the tram lines. Zigzagging
finished the edges of each square. Jewellery jump rings,
wire and beads were used to attach each inchie to a
machine stitched cord which was then handstitched
to the cuff. The cuff was a dark grey fabric and vylene.
The winner of the challenge was a beautiful machine
embroidered box. But really it was one of those occasions
when everyone was a winner. It was interesting seeing
everyones take on the challenge. Sorry no picture.
I set myself a challenge when I decided to this which was
not to spend any money! Not because I'm tight but
because I've got so much stuff I thought I'd use some of it.
I think I succeeded with the group challenge and my own.
In the past I've used inchies for making cards for all sorts
of occasions. I've used trimming from bigger pieces. I don't
like wasting anything.