We've recently spent time just cutting back to see what's
beneath. This was a clump of Crocosmia that I'd put in
about 15 years ago and should have been divided about
every 3 or 4 years - or not! This was before the clump had
been sorted. I've been giving away bags of bulbs and the
rest will go to the WI. Some have gone back in to the
same border.
ours any more, there's too much soil showing.
relative of a wild flower and seem to like it in our garden.
used but has given a great display of large green leaves
each year. Something has always enjoyed these leaves -
the caterpillars of the cabbage white butterfly.
a real gardener wouldn't!
walnut stuffing - stuff I'd got in the cupboard - and stuffed it.
Was rather yummy! Thank you H. The rest of the stuffing got
nibbled at suring the evening and never made it to the freezer!
later in the week. Still yummy!