Sunday 25 November 2007

Snow! Christmas is coming. More dyeing!

It's been a while but since the last entry it snowed! A big deal in this country. I'd gone upstairs to close the bedroom curtains and I couldn't believe what I was seeing, even though it had been forecast. I belted downstairs, grabbed my camera and took this from my back door.

The day after the snow I went for a walk at a local National Trust property. No snow and nearly all the leaves had gone - beautiful though.

I had to get some more patchwork fabric for a challenge I'm doing with my mum (You'll see it when it's finished). Close to the shop is a garden centre whose carpark is the parking for the patchwork shop also. In the car park were Prancer and Dancer (mother and son). It certainly brings a smile but it's a shame they are penned up like this.

I sorted my pile of dyed fabric from the other week and decided I needed to overdye most of it. Some of it had too much white showing or it was too pale, some needed toning down and some I just didn't like. Dyed this lot on Saturday morning.....

Left it for about 24 hours and rinsed on Sunday morning. Some of them are great and some have improved but still need more work. Some pieces have already made me think about what I want to do with them.

I must find some pictures I took on holiday that will help with inspiration for some of these pieces of fabrics. Trouble is, I ought to be doing stuff for Christmas. I know it'll all get done, it always does but I need to stay sane!

Friday 2 November 2007

Dyeing and colour!

Decided I needed to do some more dyeing. I found out why my colours were pale and yukky back in the summer. The dyes were old and past their best. Luckily I'd got some new ones. I've learned from this - I just have to do more dyeing, more often!

The results of my labours........

The first results, some good pieces but too much white. Some over dyeing is needed, will show the results later.

Just some close ups.......

After doing this, the tidying up and putting some laundry in the machine to do ( thought I'd better do some) I decided to go to a lovely place nearby called Staunton Harold. Had lunch sitting outside -it's November, no coat or gloves! Then went for a (short) walk to the lakes in front of the house and this is what I found..................

Enough to bring a smile!

The photo doesn't so it justice, the colours were much better.

On the way home I decided to call at another nice place, Melbourne Pool.

A Ginko tree, never knowingly seen one before.
It's lovely at the moment.
Got lots to think about with this blogging business, hopefully the next one will be better! ....and I'll
have rinsed the over dyed fabric.