pdf cotton, screen printed with the lettering and over
printed with a leaf block in several colours.
For all the printing I used acrylic paint mixed with a fabric
medium. I'd already got the screen, a thermofax screen
I'd had done a few years ago. The leaf block came as
a freebie from a magazine years ago. Remember
'Inspirations' - it used to be a good magazine before
home makeovers became fashionable, then it folded.
They always had give aways of blocks, they'd be called
stamps now, or stencils or something you could push in
a drawer and use years later!
One of the reasons for doing this was to use what I'd
got - acrylic paints and fabric medium and to see what
results I'd get. The next step is to get some quilting done.
This plant has started flowering. Can't remember it's name
but it these beautiful flowers. They're hidden beneath the
heart shaped glossy leaves and are only abour 5cm high.
garden. I treated myself last year but it failed miserably.
Last autumn we dug it up and planted it in the compost bin
that we'd also moved. We have rhubarb growing in the
garden at last. I believe that you're not supposed to eat from
it in the first year - good job I'm patient!